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Water is a valuable and finite resource, and using it consciously is essential to protect the environment and ensure the sustainability of water resources. One of the most effective solutions to reduce potable water consumption is by collecting rainwater. This practice allows rainwater to be used for non-domestic purposes such as irrigation.

Rainwater harvesting has become increasingly important due to over-exploitation of water resources and climate change. In Europe, the average daily consumption of potable water is between 110 and 200 litres per capita. By collecting and reusing rainwater, potable water consumption can be reduced by up to 30%. Moreover, rainwater is a continuously available source and requires a simple and inexpensive treatment to reuse it as non-potable water.

Water collected in ditches and used for agriculture is becoming increasingly popular as a sustainable solution to ensure efficient water management. This method allows rainwater stored in ditches to be used to irrigate fields and provide the water needed for crops. Recovering rainwater from ditches and canals can offer numerous benefits, including significant savings in potable water and reduced water supply costs. We will see in detail what these advantages are:

  1. Reducing reliance on potable water

Collecting water from ditches allows farmers to reduce their reliance on potable water to irrigate their fields. Rainwater stored in ditches can be used to supply much of the water needed for crops, thus reducing pressure on potable water resources.

  1. Sustainable water resource use

Reusing the water from ditches enables the sustainable use of available water resources. Instead of letting rainwater filter into ditches or end up in lakes and rivers, it is collected and used to irrigate fields. This helps to maximise water use efficiency and reduce waste. During very heavy rainfall, the use of rainwater reduces the flow of water into the sewerage system, decreasing the risk of flooding.

  1. Cost reduction

The use of rainwater collected from ditches can help reduce the costs associated with irrigation. Farmers can save money on their water bills and avoid having to invest in expensive irrigation systems. Harvesting water from ditches offers a significant saving opportunity for farmers.

  1. Less environmental impact

Recovering water from ditches for irrigation reduces the environmental impact of using controlled water resources. By using rainwater stored in ditches, the hydro-geological balance of lakes and rivers can be preserved, contributing to the conservation of aquatic ecosystems.

To extract rainwater from ditches or canals there are many types of pumps available. Each pump has specific characteristics that make it suitable for certain uses.

Sewage Pumps

Submersible pumps are an effective choice to collect rainfall from shallow ditches. These pumps are completely submerged in water and can handle solid particles of a certain size. They are cooled by the water and must always be fully immersed during operation. Submersible pumps can handle solid particles up to 35 mm in size and are ideal for pumping excess drainage water. An additional advantage of submersible pumps is that, being completely submerged in water, they are cooled by the water ensuring efficient operation.

Caprari submersible pumps are the result of careful and innovative design. Many advantages are achieved by using a K+ energy electric pump:

  • Premium energy saving: premium efficiency thanks to motors rated with an IE3 efficiency class
  • Versatility: the DryWet system allows K+Energy to be used in all kinds of applications, thus enabling a substantial reduction in stock
  • Ease of maintenance and handling: the standard plug allows the electric pump to be disconnected without having to disconnect the cables from the switchboard, the generously dimensioned microcast stainless steel handle and the new system for dismantling the mechanical seals on the side of the pump
  • Reliability and operational safety: the conductivity probe in the oil chamber, the temperature probes and the presence of the double mechanical seal are construction solutions designed to guarantee absolute protection of the electrical parts. The Caprari non-stop system ensures continuity of wet end operation even under the most severe operating conditions.

For more information click here:

Surface Pumps for Irrigation

The pumps for irrigation are ideal for filling or emptying ponds, canals, cisterns, tanks and more. These pumps are known for their high pressure output, which allows large quantities of water to be pumped in a short time.

The Caprari MEC series single and multi-stage flanged pumps are ideal in these circumstances: they are water irrigation and supply pumps, designed to guarantee high operating reliability in any situation. They come in a large variety of models to meet all different operating requirements. They also generate high energy savings and their excellent hydraulic performance and unique technical solutions make them outstandingly reliable in terms of operation. Routine maintenance is simple thanks to the Easy-Fit system, which allows easy access to the sealed area and effortless removal of the protective guards, opening of the seal rings and replacement of the packing ring.

To see our range of irrigation pumps, click on the following link:

Attesting to Caprari’s great experience in the world of agriculture is the visit to the Trentini farm made by our Matt the Farmer. The farm is an example of a structured and advanced enterprise using Caprari pumps. For more information click here:

In conclusion, harvesting rainwater from ditches and canals for irrigation is a sustainable and environmentally and economically beneficial approach. By choosing the most suitable system and pump for your needs, you can use rainwater extremely efficiently. With the right approach, rainwater harvesting can help preserve a vital resource for the future. Investing in water harvesting from ditches for agriculture is an important step towards water sustainability and the preservation of natural resources. Farmers can help ensure efficient water management, while protecting the environment and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.